Programme Schedule

TVET: Building Resilience for Sustainable Development in Disruptive Times.

DAY 1 - Tuesday May 16, 2023

Inception Workshops (In-Person & Online)

Sponsored by The UWI @ The School of Education (SOE) UWI Mona Campus

8:30-9:00      - Registration In-Person Reception Area - Rooms SLT2A & SLT2B.

9:00-10:30      Virtual Rooms:

A - Assistive Technology for "Inclusion": Responsiveness in TVET

      Facilitated by Dr. Madgerie Jameson-Charles & Team

      School of Education UWI St. Augustine Campus

      Chaired by Technical Moderator Judith Moore

B - Cloud Computing  for TVET Blended Praxis

      Facilitated by Dr. C. Jayakumar Executive Vice President & Head

      Corporate Human Resources (CHRO)

      Chaired by Technical Moderator Marjorie McDonald

C - Strategies for Flexible and Blended TVET Praxis

      Facilitated by Ms. Natalie Bishop, Training Specialist:

      Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme

      (YTEPP Limited)

      Chaired by Technical Moderator Sandy Williams

D - Augmented Reality, using the UVC’s Magic Leap Technology

      EON XR and AI Projects

      Facilitated by: Renah Wolzinger, Ed.D., Chief Learning Officer,

                                                                        EON Reality &

                              Megan Blevins, Director of Customer Success, EON


       Chaired by Technical Moderator Lydia Lewis-Dunn

9:00-10:30      Lecture Rooms: 

E: SLT4 - Greening and Transforming TVET for more Resilient and Sustainable Economies

Facilitated by Manish Joshi & Kenneth Abraham


Chaired by Technical Moderator Marica Auld-Josephs

F   SLT3A - Wellness as Resilience: Empowering TVET Leadership & Practitioners                Facilitated by Ms. Alia Wedderburn & Team

Excelsior Community College (EXED)

Chaired by Technical Moderator Coreen Chambers

10:30-11:00      Coffee Break SLT2B

11:00-12:30      Return to Workshops

12:30-1:00        Lunch & Networking SLT2B

1:30                  Assembly Point- SOE Parking Lot, for departure on Educational Tour (each person allowed 2                                  sites only)

                      1. HEART College of Beauty Services (The Incubator)
                      2. HEART/NSTA Trust: The Jamaica German Automotive School (JAGAS) (Service Bay for                                        Electric Cars & The Incubator)
                      3. The University of Technology (Sculpture Park; Foods, Apparel Construction, Electrical and                                  Lighting Laboratories)
                      4. The Norman Manley High School (Solar Photo Voltaic System for the provision of an                                            alternate source of energy)

DAY 2- Wednesday May 17, 2023

Opening Ceremony, and Presentations 

[Sponsored by The Ministry of Education and Youth Jamaica ]

The Jamaica Conference Centre

8:00-9:00           Virtual & In-Person Registration and Ushering to Main Conference Room 2

9:00- 10:30        Opening Ceremony, Main Conference Room 2

Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Marcia Rainford, Director School of Education, UWI Mona

Host Minister’s Statement & Opening Declaration: The Honourable Fayval Williams,

                                                                            Minister of Education & Youth, Jamaica.

Conference Synopsis: Professor Halden Morris, Conference Founder,

                                     Electrical Engineer & TVET/WFD Consultant UWI Mona.

Hosting Partner’s Statement: Professor Dale Webber, Pro Vice Chancellor UWI

                                                 & Principal Mona Campus. 

Greetings from other Partners(video clips)

              Dr Anna Paolini,Director & Country Representative, UNESCO Cluster Office for the                                                      Caribbean

              Dr Taneisha  Ingleton, Managing Director HEART/NSTA Trust, Jamaica

              Professor Colin Gyles, President The University of Technology, Jamaica

              Dr Rawatee Maharaj-Sharma, Director School of Education UWI St. Augustine

             Francis O. Severin, PhD, Pro Vice-Chancellor & Principal The University of the West Indies               OPEN CAMPUS Cave Hill

Cultural Item

Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Dr Madgerie Jameson-Charles, Coordinator MA Leadership in 

                                                        TVET& WFD Foundations, Lecturer UWI St. Augustine

Keynote Address: The Honourable Shawn Edward, Minister for  Education, Sustainable                                                     Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training,  St                                         .Lucia 

Vote of Thanks: Ms. Delize Williams, Principal Vocational Training Development Institute (VTDI)  

Conference Logistics: Dr Marcia Rowe Amonde, Senior Director, Standards Curriculum and

Learning Resources HEART/NSTA Trust     


10:30-11:00     Coffee Break

10:30-11:00     UWIVERSE VR Experience for Dignitaries

11:00-11:45     Streamed “Industry 4.0/5.0 - Disruptive Times for TVET”

                      Plenary: Main Conference Room 2

                      Chairperson’s Opening Remarks & Introduction of Guest Speaker- Debra Ferdinand-James                                                                              Ph.D.,  Conference Chair, Senior Lecturer & Coordinator MA LTVET/WFD                                                                Programme, School of Education UWI Mona

Guest Speaker Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, Governing Board Faculty Consultant at the Colombo                                                                              Plan Staff College of The Philippines


Vote of Thanks & Closing Remarks: Chairperson

11:45-12:45     Blended Challenge Presentations (3)

                       Plenary: Main Conference Room 2

                        Chairperson: Debra Ferdinand-James Ph.D., Conference Chair, Senior Lecturer &                                                                                                                                  Coordinator          

                                                        MA LTVET/WFD Programme, School of Education

                                                                             UWI Mona.

Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Presenter 3


Vote of Thanks & Closing: Chairperson

12:45 - 1:45     Lunch & Networking

1:45-2:30        Streamed/Video Plenary "Upskilling and Re-skilling: Building Workforce Resilience in                                                                                                            Disruptive Times."

                        Plenary: Main Conference Room 2

Chairperson’s Opening Remarks & Introduction of Guest Speaker -Mr. Douglas Webster,


Guest Speaker Professor Asha Kanwar, President & CEO, COMMONWEALTH of LEARNING


Vote of Thanks & Closing Remarks: Chairperson


2:30 - 4:00     Batched Presentations in Conference Rooms 2, 4 & 5





2:30 - 3:00

6TVC13 - Effective Leadership for Revolutionizing TVET Institutions.


Dr. Marcia Rowe Amonde



Technical Moderator

Marsha Powell

6TVC07 - Where are we now? A Systematic Literature Review of the State of TVET Research in the Caribbean Over the Past Quarter Century
Barrington Graham


Technical Moderator

Marcine Taylor-Brown

TVET Rediscovery in MIC Institute of Technology (post COVID-19): A Case Study


Carol Mitchell 


Technical moderator

Mavourneen Hamlett

3:00 - 3: 30

6TVC10 - Bridging New Divides in TVET: Leadership Considerations for Successful Online and Blended Learning (OBL) Implementation


Gennette Clacken



Technical Moderator

Alicia Williams

6TVC18 -  Will the real TVET teacher please stand up?


Sandra Richards


Technical Moderator

Alicia Simpson

6TVC03 - Instructors’ information and communication technology competency levels and the extent of integration in TVET programme delivery


Marlon Ramcharan


Technical Moderator

Marsha Grant


6TVC06 - Extent of Utilization of Digitalized Resources in Technology Education Program in South-West Nigerian Universities for Sustainability in Disruptive Times.


Dr.  Lasisi Basiru Toyin



Technical Moderator

Marsha Powell

6TVC24 - Integrating Climate Services Training Outreach in Farming Community-Based TVET: A Curriculum Proposal Integrating Farmer and Institutional Feedback on Priorities.


Dr Sarah Buckland


Technical Moderator

Marcine Taylor-Brown

6TVC04 - TVET Teachers’ Resilience in Moving from Face-to-Face to Online Teaching during the Pandemic in  Jamaica [Online]


Prof. Cynthia Onyefulu


Technical Moderator

Mavourneen Hamlett


6TVC23 - Leadership Styles Employed by Managers of TVET Institutions in Grenada


Edward G. Williams and Frances P. Ruffin;


Technical Moderator

Alicia Williams

6TVC28 - Strategies for Successful Integration of IR4.0/5.0 within Higher Education Institution TVET/STEM programmes in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Countries


Junior A. Bennett


Technical Moderator

Alicia Simpson

6TVC25 - Exploring the Perceptions and Practices of Instructors Integrating Blended Learning in the Delivery of the Business Studies Programme at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institution in Barbados.


Andrea Y. Brathwaite


Technical Moderator

Marsha Grant

DAY 3- Thursday May 18, 2023

Industry Day 

[Sponsored by HEART/NSTA Trust & The University of Technology]

9:00-9:45        Focus Session in Plenary -Main Conference Room 2

           [Defence Industry Responsiveness and TVET in Disruptive Times]

Chairperson’s Opening Remarks Dr. Taneisha Ingleton, Managing Director HEART/NSTA Trust

Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Dr.  Jacqueline Wallder--- Acting Vice Principal: Academics

                                                                       Vocational Training Development Institute (VDTI)


Keynote Speaker: Rear Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman, Chief of Staff Jamaica Defence                                                                                             Force (JDF) and Vice-Chancellor JDF Academy


Vote of Thanks and Closing Remarks: Chairperson

9:45 - 10:20    Coffee Break

10:20-11:20     Batched Presentations in Conference Rooms 2, 4 & 5





10:20 - 10:50

6TVC08 - Green Infrastructure Strategy for Building Resilience Against Stormwater in Ibadan.


Arc. R. S. Busari.


Technical Moderator

Josanne Cox




6TVC02 - Comparative Studies on the Needs and Development of Autotronic Maintenance Training Modules for the Training of Automobile Independent Workshop Service Technicians in North – Western REGION, NIGERIA


Muhammad Shuaibu Birniwa


Technical Moderator

Anesha Caruth-Walcott

6TVC11 - Utilising PLAR WFD to transform and stimulate economic recovery and improve workforce certification within the TCI


Kevin Baxter



Technical Moderator

Odette Charles


10:50 - 11: 20

6TVC05 - An Evaluation of the Competency-Based Education and Training Commis Chef Level Two Programme in Four Human Employment and Resource Training Institutions in Jamaica


Dr Monica Porter-Lewis


Technical Moderator

Josanne Cox

6TVC12 - Valuable Telehealth Innovations & Career Professional Development Through Covid-19: Using Virtual Professional Learning communities to facilitate digital transformation practices in TVET healthcare practitioners.



Dr. Raona Williams


Technical Moderator

Anesha Caruth-Walcott

6TVC16 - Digitizing TVET and its implications for Practice


Nadine Lett


Technical Moderator

Odette Charles

11:30-12:20     HEART/NSTA Trust  Presentation in Plenary - Main Conference Room 2

      [From Idea to Impact: A Blueprint on Accelerating Human Development]

Chairperson’s Introduction & Opening Remarks Mr. Kevin Baxter, TVET  Dean,

                                                          Turks and Caicos Islands Community College


Dr. Taneisha Ingleton, Managing Director HEART/NSTA Trust

Mr. Dwayne Bent, Director Principal, Southwest TVET Institute - HEART/NSTA Trust 


Chairperson’s Vote of Thanks & Closing

12:20-1:20      Forum on Competency Gaps in Industry - Main Conference Room 2

        [Toward Globalization: Rethinking the Development of Human Capital in CTE/TVET]

Chairperson’s Opening Remarks and Introductions: Disraeli M. Hutton PhD, Professor Educational                                                                             Leadership and Skills Development, Adjunct Lecturer

                                                                           School of Education, Faculty of Humanities and

                                                                           Education UWI Mona


Mr. David Wan, President, Jamaica Employers’ Federation (JEF)

Mrs.  Maya Walrond -Executive Member, Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ)

Mr. Delroy McLean - Senior Director of Business at C&W Business

Dr. Margaret Chin - Senior Director, Kevoy Community Development Institute (KCDI Jamaica Limited

Mr. Walcon Austin - Executive Chef/Food Consultant and Lecturer Montego Bay Community College

Mr. Arnold Foote - The Chief Executive Officer, Advertising & Marketing (ADMARK)

Q/A and Chairperson’s Closing Remarks

1:20-2:00        Lunch & Networking

2:00-2:45      University of Technology(UTech) Panel Discussion in Plenary: Main Conference Room 2 

                         [A Critical Dialogue on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Skills-Based Learning in the                                     Jamaican Education System]

Chairperson’s Opening Remarks & Introductions: Dr. Junior Martin, Head of School SOTAVE                                                                                                UTech Jamaica


Dr. Hope Mayne - Coordinator of Graduate School, Faculty of Education, (UTech)

Miss Dawn McNeil - Senior Lecturer (UTech)

Mrs. Karnette Batchelor- Evering - Lecturer (UTech)

Dr. Granville Pitter - Programme Director, B.Ed. TVETT Programme (UTech)  

Q/A and Chairperson’s Closing

2:45-3:30        JATVET Youth Focus Group: Plenary Session in Main Conference Room 2

               [Improving Access to Skills Development – The Voices of the Youth]

Overview: Dr. Marica Rowe Amonde, JATVET Member, Senior Director, HEART/NSTA Trust

Moderator: Mr. Roy Taylor, Interim President JATVET, Senior Education Officer TVET, MOEY


Youth Respondents

Romario Burke

Tashauna Brown

Danielle Walter

Shawna Brown

Sarita Mitchell

Junior Haye

Byron Smalling

Tassia Lawrence

Jade Thompson

Jose Nunez

Vote of Thanks & Closing Remarks: Moderator

3:30-5:00       Batched Presentations in Conference Rooms 2, 4 & 5





3:30 - 4:00

6TVC09 - Access to Resources for Careers Building Global Workforce in Disruptive Times in Southwest Nigeria Colleges of Education in Agriculture for ??


Lamidi, Tajudeen Ademola


Technical Moderator

Shaneil Davis

6TVC20 - Innovation as Disruption of Culture: A TVET Perspective


Prof. Shermaine Barrett



Technical Moderator

Coreen Chambers

6TVC14 - Jamaica National Apprenticeship System and its relationship with Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Support Ecosystem


Marlon Johnson


Technical Moderator

Alicia Simpson


6TVC17 - The challenges of cybersecurity and the need for heightened awareness among technical, vocational education, and training (TVET) practitioners in Jamaica


Ainsworth Savage



Technical Moderator

Shaneil Davis

6TVC19 - Toward Globalization: Rethinking the Development of Human Capital in CTE/TVET [online]


Drs. Shara Shaw,  Lisa Martino, and

Meredith Sines



Marsha Powell

6TVC15 - Transforming delivery of TVET teacher education for the current needs of the digital economy


 Samantha Mitchell



Marsha Grant



6TVC27 - The Evolution of an End-to-End Online Training System for TVET Programmes.


Henry Gray


Technical Moderator

Marcine Taylor-Brown

6TVC29 - The Shift to Competency-Based Education in the Trades:  Important Considerations and Best Practices in the Development of CBE Programs.


Steven W. Schmidt



Technical Moderrator

Alicia Williams

6TVC26 - Securing Recognition as a Center to Offer Certified Trades Training in the Cayman Islands


Paul Puckerin,
Dr Peter Paul, Dr Robert Robertson


Technical Moderator

Mavourneen Hamlett

DAY 4- Friday May 19, 2023

Students’ Forum, Presentations, Closing Ceremony

[Sponsored by UNESCO]

8:30-9:00       TVET Blended Challenge Prize Giving Ceremony -Main Conference Room 2

Chairperson’s Opening Remarks: Debra Ferdinand-James PhD Conference Chair, Senior Lecturer 

                                                                       & Coordinator MA LTVET/WFD Programme,

                                                                       School of Education UWI Mona.

Remarks - Open Campus Sponsor:  Ms. Jody Grizzle, Project Coordinator, Digital Learning

                                                                                                 Innovation, UWIVERSE Centre, Mona

Remarks Chief Judge: Mrs. Michelle Stewart-McKoy. Faculty/Educational Developer, Centre

                                                   for Excellence In Teaching and Learning, The UWI Mona Campus

Presentation of Prizes



9:00 - 11:45    Graduate/Post-Graduate Students’ Forum in  Conference Room 4

Chairperson’s Remarks & Introductions: Dr Carmel Roofe, Deputy Dean, Graduate Studies

                                and Research, Faculty of Humanities & Education,.UWI Mona Campus.

Guest Presenter:

         Mr. Lamar Wellington, Teacher and UWI Final-Year student in Leadership in TVET&WFD


Q/A and Sharing Concerns

9:25-9:40       Coffee Break

Guest Presenters:

Ms. Alia J. Wedderburn MA, Beauty & Wellness Consultant, Sr. Lecturer, EXED Community                                             College.Doctoral Student - Gender & Development Studies UWI Mona.

Mr. Darien G. Henry MA, JP Educator/ Workforce Development Consultant, Principal Montego

                                    Bay Community College. Doctoral Student - Temple University, USA

Q/A and sharing

Introduction of Guest Lecturer

Guest Lecturer On-line

Professor Canute Thompson, Professor of Educational Policy, Planning, &

       Leadership, and Director CCEP UWI Mona Campus

Q/A and Sharing Concerns

Vote of Thanks & Closing Remarks: Chairperson

11:45 -12:25    Lunch & Networking


9:00 - 9:45    Focus Session - Main Conference Room 2

   [Flexible Learning and Micro Credentialing in TVET Towards Sustainability in Disruptive Times]

Chairman’s Opening Remarks: Professor Halden Morris, Conference Founder, Electrical Engineer

                                                                                                & TVET/WFD Consultant UWI Mona.

Introduction of Keynote Speaker Mrs. Christine Edwards, Senior Programmes Director Capacity

                                                                      Building and Consultancy National Programmes and

                                                                      Training Division, HEART/NSTA Trust

Keynote Address:

Dr. Eduardo  Ali, Pro-Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive Officer Caribbean

                                                                              Examinations Council (CXC).


Vote of Thanks & Closing Remarks: Chairman

9:45 - 10:15   Coffee Break

10:15 - 11:45  Seminar - Main Conference Room 2

[Learning in Practice: Situating TVET Teacher Development in Theory]


  [A Consensus for Successful and Sustainable Delivery of TVET and Programmes in

   Developing Countries: Post Pandemic Considerations]

Welcome & Introductions: Chairperson Mrs. Latoya Swaby-Anderson, National Education

                                                                   Officer UNESCO Cluster Office for the Caribbean

Presenter: Dr. Cheryl McLaughlin, Deputy Managing Director, National Training &

                                                           Programmes Division HEART/NSTA Trust

Q & A

Presenter: Professor Halden Morris, Conference Founder, Electrical Engineer &

                                                 TVET/WFD Consultant UWI Mona

Q & A 

Chairman’s Vote of Thanks & Closing,

11:45 - 12:25 Lunch & Networking





12:25- 1:25 UNESCO Seminar - Main Conference Room 2

[The New UNESCO TVET Strategy: How it will Translate in a Regional Roadmap for the LAC,                                                                Based on Countries’ and the Region’s Own Priorities]

Chairperson’s Opening & Introductions: Dr. Nicole Bella, Senior Education Specialist Head of the

                                                   Education Programme, UNESCO Office for the Caribbean


Mr. Ramon Iriarte PhD,  UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the


Mr. Friedrich Huebler, Director of UNESCO, UNEVOC


Chairperson’s Vote of Thanks & Closing

1:30 - 2:30    Communiqué & Closing Ceremony - Main Conference Room 2

Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Marcia Rainford Director School of Education

                                                                           UWI Mona

Founder’s Remarks: Professor Halden Morris, Founder of International Conferences on TVET in

                                                                             the Caribbean, Electrical Engineer &

                                                                             TVET/WFD Consultant UWI Mona

Conference Report: Dr. Junior Martin, Co-Rapporteur-in-Chief, Head of School SOTAVE,

                                                                   University of Technology, Jamaica

Presentation & Affirmation of Communiqué 2023: Dr Madgerie Jameson-Charles,

                                                              Rapporteur-in-Chief, Coordinator MA

                                                              Leadership in TVET& WFD and Foundations,

                                                              Lecturer UWI St. Augustine

Conference Chairperson’s Closing Remarks: Debra Ferdinand-James PhD, Senior Lecturer &

                                                              Coordinator MA LTVET/WFD Programme, School

                                                               of Education UWI Mona.

Conference Contact

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